The First AI4EO Symposium of the Future Lab

The 1st AI4EO Symposium of the Future Lab was succsessfully held at the TUM Campus Ottobrunn, on October 13-14, 2022.
The 1st AI4EO Symposium of the Future Lab was succsessfully held at the TUM Campus, Lise – Meitner – Str. 9, 85521 Ottobrunn, on October 13-14, 2022.
The event has been opened by Prof. Xiaoxiang Zhu – the director of the international Future Lab AI4EO. TUM Vice President Prof Gerhard Kramer welcomed all guests, keynote speakers and the whole AI4EO community and emphsized the stratigical importance of the research topic AI4EO at TUM. Distinguished keynote speakers include Dr. Rune Floberghagen from the European Space Agency (ESA), where he is the Head of the Earth Observation Science, Applications and Climate Department; Prof. Lorenzo Bruzzone, University of Trento, Professor and Head of Remote Sensing Laboratory, who is also a member of the scientific advisory board of our future lab; as well as TUM colleague Prof. Christoph Lütge, Director of the TUM Institute for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence, who is a partner of the AI4EO future lab. The future lab has reported their work on the topics of uncertainty, reasoning and ethics. Scientific sessions and poster sessions cover a wide range of topics on AI4EO and its applications on urbanization, environmental sciences, climate and many more. A particular highlight is that Prof. Xiaoxiang Zhu anounced the release of EarthNets – A sophisticted platform empowering AI4EO for the whole community.
Posters are evaluated by the Jury chaired by Prof. Richard Bamler. Finally poster awards are presented to Christoph Koller (best poster), Isabelle Tingzon (Runner-up) and Konrad Heidler (Honorable Mention).